Archive for the ‘General’ Category

As many of you probably remember, I started an introduction on Glenn Beck’s documentary, Rumors of War: II, a while back. Unfortunately, I never had much time to go any farther with it. However, I guess the Lord knew it wouldn’t really matter because Glenn has announced that it is now free to watch on his website and Facebook page. Please, find yourself an hour out of your schedule to sit down and watch this. I’m a hundred percent sure it will stir up the Holy Spirit in your heart.

Here is the link to it on Facebook:!/GlennBeck?sk=app_263239683689565

The actual documentary starts at about 3:15

I just wanted to write a post to fill you all in on what has been going on with me and why I have not been very productive on this blog lately. The easiest way I could put it would be to just say that I have been super busy, which is the honest truth entirely. However, much of my occupation has come not from my own doing, but from God. Of course I work two jobs, which both have recently been under a certain set of circumstances that does not allow me to be able to take off as much as I would like to, so I really have to plan out my schedule, week by week, and sometimes, day by day.

The Lord was gracious enough to hold these circumstances back to allow me to be able to take off for the week of June 20-24, which I spent with my wonderful youth group, at the Xtreme Summer Conference 2011 in Panama City Beach.  It was an absolutely amazing experience with great spiritual leaders and awesome bands, including one of my all-time favorites, Lecrae. The Holy Spirit was moving within the place we worshiped at and also in our hearts. I remember the first night we got there, my friend, Sage, and I walked into the large worship room where there would be more than 1500 people praising God during the whole week, and I immediately felt the presence of the Almighty. By the time we got back on Friday, we had all grown closer together as a youth group, and more importantly, a member asked God to be her personal savior. As I am typing this, the Spirit is moving strongly within me and tears of joy are coming to my eyes. There is no better feeling in this world than to know that a lost soul is now saved by the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

After getting back and going through withdraws from not being with my church family, life tried to take over again. Circumstances came up at work that bumped me from around 24 hours a week to 31, not considering my other job. I started to be a constant bad mood, which isn’t normal for me. But soon enough, with the help of my loving family, I lightened up a bit, although I still just had this feeling like something is missing.

So what did I do? I prayed. You might have seen a paraphrased version of my conversation with God that night if you saw my status on Facebook: “Here I am Lord. I’m on my knees in Your holy presence. I’m here only because of Your infinite mercy and grace. Use me up Lord. Give me the courage to stand up for what I believe, and the strength to perform Your
will for my life. Here I am Lord. Send Me.” I gave it all to God, and asked that He would use me in the way he would see fit. I also asked Him to give me the strength, courage, and guidance to do whatever it was that He decided. It wasn’t too much longer that an old friend that moved to Enterprise from Zion Chapel, randomly sent me a IM on Facebook one night, asking if I would help out with a children’s church camp at the Vineyard. As soon as I read her question I asked the Lord right then, “Is this what You would want me to do?” I believe he answered me with an immediate “Yes!” So after praying about it some more I decided that, despite my unwillingness because of the uncertainty of what I would exactly be doing, I would do it.

Ever since, I feel like that small part that was missing has been filled. The camp is currently going on right now and is going very good. I am really enjoying it, as are the kids. It ends on Wednesday around lunch so please keep these young boys and girls in your prayers.

My endnote is this: The only way to receive true joyfulness is to faithfully serve God. I think that many times people just serve, without the faith. Here’s the thing though…your not going to get anywhere with works alone. Only when you add in honest prayer, faith, patience, and seeking God’s face within His word, will you win souls. And isn’t that the ultimate goal for us as Christians? So I challenge you right now. Give it all to God and ask Him to lead you to the places and people that He wants you to interact with. And whenever you get that far, ask for the courage to not back down. Take a step out of your comfort zone. Many times that is the best place for God to use you in.

Finally, thank you all for being very patient with me as I fall behind on this blog. For I may be slowing down here, but in God’s overall plan I’m speeding on to the end of the race. I love you all and hope to hear from you soon. God Bless – Landan.

Again, feel free to lead someone to some of my original posts. The 10 Signs That We Are the Last Generation post is a heart changer for many people who have fallen astray.


Summer! – Rumors of War 2

Posted: April 29, 2011 in General

Sorry for the inactivity this week guys. I’ve had finals all this week so I’ve been tied down with those. I’m so glad today is my last day of Spring Semester. I’m going to try my best to start posting more content each week. It should start picking up now that I will have a lot more time.

Anyways, Wednesday night was the premiere of Glenn Beck’s new documentary, Rumors of War II: The Last Days, which talks about the current events in the world today and the signs of the last days from Bible prophecy. I had to work that night, and I couldn’t wait to get home to watch it. I have to say…this is one documentary that I (and Glenn Beck) believe everyone should watch. Unfortunately, it is only for members or Glenn Beck’s “Insider Extreme” community (It costs $10 a month), but I could not resist buying at least a month, just to see this.

I’m considering creating a post that has some of the main points from Rumors of War II , for the many of you that can not purchase the  “Insider Extreme.” For right now, I just want to say that I really appreciate all of you that are still checking here for news and information. Have a good Friday and God Bless. =]

Rumors of War –

Posted: April 20, 2011 in General

Check out this video. It certainly gave me the chills.

This is the chilling reality of what is happening right now in the world. What is the caliphate? Who are these Islamic leaders who will turn against Israel? What is America’s status in the End Times? I will have more information about these things soon. )


Posted: April 19, 2011 in General

Why would anyone want to study biblical prophecy? I mean, there are many events in Revelation that are absolutely horrific. Well, despite that fact that these events are frightening, or the fact that some people just do not want to accept that the end of the world as we know it is upon us, it is our duty as Christians to remain watchful for these signs. In Matthew 24:36-51, Jesus tells about remaining watchful. Christ’s second coming will be swift and sudden. There will be no opportunity for last-minute repentance or bargaining. Whatever choice we have made will determine our eternal destiny.

If you are a non-believer, I sincerely encourage you to read this blog. Please, just take a fraction of time out of your schedule to open your mind to the realities of God’s Word and open your heart to the Holy Spirit. As you will soon realize, we do not have much time left here on the Earth so we need to be constantly reaching out to others.

Now, I use a lot of other sources to gather information. That is one of the key points of starting this blog; to gather all the news stories, bible scripture, books, websites, and speakers together, in one place, at one time, for you all to enjoy and be able to find easily. Furthermore, I will be using many citations and links to different websites/articles of importance to the said topic. If you have any questions about any topic on this blog, be sure to leave a comment or email me. To find other ways to reach me, visit the “About the Author” page. Thank you for dropping by to The Final Generation!